In the Checklist of Life: A Book to Help You Live and Leave This Life! by Lynn McPhelimy AAIP Publishing Company PO Box 102 Rockfall, CT 06481 "Everyone knows that we all should have our affairs in order. But, how do you start? In this working book...Leave an organized personalized plan, a true gift of love."
Last Wishes by Lucinda Page Knox, MSW & Michael D. Knox, PhD Ulysses Press PO Box 3440 Berkeley, CA 94703 A handbook to guide your survivors. A place for final instructions, funeral details and special messages
Greening Death: Reclaiming Burial Practices and Restoring Our Tie to the Earth by Suzanne Kelly Rowman & Littlefield Publishers 200 Park Ave. South, Suite 1109 New York NY 10003 212-529-3888 Traces the philosophical and historical backstory of the home funeral and green burial movements to help try to explain why people are clamoring for more sustainable death practices and a new model for achieving them
What to Do When A Loved One Dies by Eva Shaw Dickens Press PO Box 4-289 Irvine, CA 92716 800-230-8158 A Practical and Compassionate Guide to Dealing with Death on Life's Terms. Good Reference. Not a workbook
Businesses and Organizations Carolina Wildstrives to be the premier source for nursery propagated native plants in the upstate region of South Carolina. They are a family-operated business with greenhouse and nursery working with native plant materials.
Conservation Burial Alliance is a a dedicated group of owners, operators, advocates, and partners working together to support the protection, restoration, and sustainable management of conservation land that incorporates natural burial cemeteries.
Final Passages This is an organization dedicated to bringing back the home funeral—not unlike the hospice movement in the 1970's that brought dying back home.
Funeral Consumers Alliance Lots of great information for those considering planning their funerals. Better information on financial issues than on green issues, but worth the surf over.
Glendale Natural Preserve This is another sister preserve in the Florida Panhandle. A beautiful site with long leaf pine and wetlands.
Global Ideas Bank The idea for Memorial Ecosystems date to before the late Nicholas Aubrey created the Natural Death Care Centre. The group initially was less green than focused on simplicity and home funerals.
Green Burial Council was founded by Joe Sehee and works to promulgate standards for conservation burial that are based largely on the Campbell Principles and have been updated to reflect the changes in practices that are required as the field matures. The Council is doing work absolutely essential for ensuring that natural burial becomes a potent land protecting tool and is the main force in educating the public about eco-friendly burial options.
Green Casket CompanyYou do not need to spend a lot of money to meaningfully honor the life of a loved one. At the Green Casket Company, they offer a simple and natural casket and work with other local businesses who support green burial and end of life choices. This page promotes traditional Jewish Funerals. It is interesting that traditional, community-run (and very green) funerals never went out of style.
Land Trust Alliance is the voice of the land trust community. As the national leader in policy, standards, education and training, they work passionately to support land trusts so they can save and secure more lands now and for future generations.
National Home Funeral Alliance is a national nonprofit that is committed to supporting home funeral education and empowering families to care for their own dead. They offer instructional books and papers to assist you in making home funeral plans that are legal, affordable, and meaningful for all.
Natural Areas Association is dedicated to empowering its members who collectively advance the preservation natural diversity and raise awareness of conservation research, advocacy and stewardship.
Society for Ecological Restoration is a global community of restoration professionals that includes researchers, practitioners, decision-makers, and community leaders from Africa, Asia, Australia/New Zealand, Europe, and the Americas. SER members are actively engaged in the ecologically sensitive repair and recovery of degraded ecosystems utilizing a broad array of experiences, knowledge sets, and cultural perspectives.
South Carolina Native Plant Society is a non-profit organization committed to the preservation and protection of native plant communities in South Carolina.
Upstate Forever promotes sensible growth and the protection of special places in the Upstate region of South Carolina. The membership-based, nonprofit organization covers nine counties (Anderson, Cherokee, Greenville, Greenwood, Laurens, Oconee, Pickens, Spartanburg, and Union). They have three main programs: Land Trust, Sustainable Communities, and Clean Air and Water.
“All that live must die Passing through nature to eternity.” —Hamlet 1.2